
Commercial Space

有別於時下流行的「少即是多(Less is More)」極簡觀點,傳奇時尚指標Iris Apfel女士主張:「越多越好,極簡很無聊(More is more and less is a bore)」,即使穿著簡約服裝,也會搭配大型飾品配件,華麗鮮艷又帶點異國風情。而設計團隊正想傳遞這樣的理念,以古典華麗元素,結合現代簡約線條,打造女人們心中的“Fantasyland”。


Contrary to the minimalist idea of “Less is more” in time, Mrs. Apfel, a legendary fashion icon, claimed, “More is more and less is a bore.” She always wore vibrant and exotically glamorous accessories in simple outfits. The design team would like to deliver this concept to correspond to vintage luxurious elements with minimalist trimming, contributing to a “Fantasyland ”for all women.

The brand is stylishly designed and unique in diverse styles, appealing to women between 25 and 40 years old. The designer applied a wood tone and created a strong visual impact with high color contrasts based on a warm touch. Consequently, the merchandise on the display tables can exclusively present distinctive characteristics and amaze customers.