Company Profile




A metaphor expression of "warp and weft" in ancient Chinese philosophy signifies frameworks in our daily world. In the field of interior design, all the projects carry unlimited possibilities. However, there are always essential elements and logic, like warp and weft, in textile fabrics. With these, apprehension and then creation achieve the unique appeal that the heart belongs to.

An enthusiastic and professional design crew comprised the company and accumulated numerous experiences. According to the conditions of the sites, we constantly do excellent work on functional and aesthetic spaces that accommodate homeowners' requirements, delivering an unstrained living vibe.

Design Director


葦軒 Damon Hua

Practice makes a man perfect, experience facilitates the man with a sense.

Design Concept



We concentrate on each opportunity to talk with our customers and highly approve services in good faith. Innovative creativities develop exclusive dreams inspired by respective prospects. The pursuit of building a balanced metric-space format with custom fixtures and embellishments renders a treasure box containing glamorously exquisite views. Thus, residential-compliant homes contribute to a time-proof quality.