有別於凸顯現代時尚氛圍的髮廊,業主喜歡頹廢藝術風格,透過純粹之美呼應品牌理念——釋放獨特自我。因此空間以「減法設計」定調,盡可能維持原建築結構,不做過多材質堆疊,僅在原始基礎上刪減,呈顯依隨時間刻畫的Original Texture。
Set off by plaster surfaces, randomly excavated outlines and time marks display their original character. Wooden and metallic decorative additions and natural light from the window expose a bit of a warm touch to the rustic interior. After viewing complex layering and excessive adornments, people quickly get aesthetic fatigue in the flood of information. Therefore, they reverse to a pure and pristine nature from the interior and their living.
Differentiating from commonly trendy hair salons, the project owner would like to embrace a grunge style that echoes the brand concept—“a relief of unique self.” As a result, the designer set the tone of a subtractive design, preserving the existing constructions as much as possible without additions. “Original Texture” absolutely exposes the natural marks left by time.